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NFT Gallery
An NFT is a collectible digital asset, which holds value as a form of cryptocurrency.
We have put together a selection of our favorite conscious and creative NFT's for your viewing pleasure.

Created by Chris DEVCICH
Inspired by The infamous signs seen near the U.S. & Mexico boarder, reminding us that no matter which nationality, we are all Human Beings.
Portions of the sale will be given according to the Lakota changleska,
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Created by Sri Kala
Limited Edition NFT Release​
Featuring art by Lori Menna of
Cosmic Collage
Surrender is a nourishing journey to fully reset the nervous system
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Asase Yaa 'Goddess of Water'
made by Kwame Michael
or @Darkmythst1
Known as Asase Yaa 'old woman of earth. The pics touching water represents being grounded to fluidity and represents a culture who hair defies gravity. Behind her, is the a West African mask," King Singing Praise"
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3ther 3gg
Created by 3dream3r X 3rd Eye Warrior Genesis Ether egg When the world shifts.
"Watching the world change in front of your eyes, as you decentralize. The seed of life being reconstructed the earth transcends in full bloom A new earth is here. A golden ratio of life. Under Cosmic Law."
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Within & Without
Created by Artemis Wylde
This is your reminder, Dear One,
That you are a Star Creature,
That you are stardust looking up at itself,
Perceiving itself
From Within & Without.
'Within & Without' is an original animated spoken word poem
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What and How?
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