Rap Coaching with Kiyoshi

Living in your Unique Masterpiece!
We all have it…
Singers, DJs and producers, spoken word artists, yogis, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs.
What new masterpieces are you ready to show the world?
Kiyoshi’s rap coaching sessions are transformational, powerful, and incredibly healing on multiple levels. It’s way more than just rap. He uses the art of vocal expression as a tool for personal self development, coaching methods he’s used personally that’ve helped him in his 20+ years of performing.
Kiyoshi has a passion to serve and inspire others to reach their fullest potential. He has a background studying Hatha Yoga and Reiki, and incorporates holistic practices into his coaching.
-Increased confidence rapping, expressing and freestyling.
-Breakthrough fears and blocks
-Learn how to craft a rap verse
-Tap more into your unique style and find your own voice
-Increased levels of creativity & motivation
-Healing the mind, body, and soul on deeper levels
-Become more embodied in stage performance and more comfortable performing in front of crowds.
-Improve mental health, in areas of coping, emotions, identity, and personal growth.
...and so much more!